Catch Me If You Can--The Vampire Diaries, January 24, 2013
by the Marc Kane and Lue Lyron At the bar, where Jeremy’s opened to an ambush as part of Klaus’ plan, he refuses to kill the newly-turned, recently-innocent people. The danger to Matt, however, at the compulsion of Klaus, leaves him no choice! In the middle of their flight to safety, Elena arrives outside the cabin, and saves Matt. Inside, Damon tells Elena to trust him with Jeremy, and take Matt, “our Least Valuable Player, home!” Shane assures Bonnie of her degree of control. Her meditation efforts are shaky; she fears her tremendous power’s too unstable. Shane’s then arrested---accused of mass murder. Damon and Jeremy arm themselves ; Damon goes over his training, at which Jeremy bristles. “I’m trying to save your life, dumbass,” Damon snarkily says. Back at the bar, Damon senses something’s not right. All dozen or so of the newly-turned vampires are found killed by Kol, who confidently takes a drink of his Scotch and tells them he’s ready to talk. Kol explains th...