
Showing posts from April, 2021

SIMul8d: Charmed Ones civilian ID Sims 4

SIMUL8: WB’s Charmed Ones SIM 4 Life So, basically, what if the cast of WB’s Charmed, premiering in 1998, were a household of friends making a living, selling paintings? When you’re playing the simplest version of Sims 4, it’s not like you have the Modifications to remake that world, though our player, Dawn, has bought one package of three ‘mods’ and a couple of other small ones. So, after that, she could’ve created the characters again as Magic Users. She’s only been at her latest game hobby basically here in April- it was Minecraft last month. She hasn’t tried Fortnight, where I imagine you could also build characters with similar powers. But it’s not quite the powers that make characters enjoyable, though when you’re a little kid, or just one at heart, imaginative appeal goes a long ways. She tried to recapture the looks of the actors, though she’s mused you don’t get to radically change heights. That’s too bad, because we’d already have our own Guillermo, a Sim of late night ...

Mad Scientist: the Sims character laboratory (with Dawn)

So, Mad Scientist. After attending a couple of local karate classes at the end of 2018, I’d pictured a nebbish incel fellow- a stand-in for my own position, but someone more locked in his own little world- to characterize the Mad Scientist idea in my novel, Chrysalis of the Butterfly. Yet, when it came time this week to try out characters as Sims, he became a She. She, however, did not gain a name, other than, perhaps, Regina, in passing. Her Sim is named first name Mad, last name, Scientist. I’ve been developing Chrysalis of the Butterfly over five years, now. I thought I could put off working on it until I had reviewed and created an epilogue for I’d Go Anywhere With You, completed a short story called “Faded Einstein,” and written an epilogue, if not further chapters, on the book I’d called Great Job! You Get A Star! I’m thinking a bit of calling it The Five Star Kid. I thought, get music ready to play for people this summer and fall. Get those two previous books prep...

Happy Twelfth Anniversary, Integr8d Fix

My original first posts were removed due to my own Copyright concerns at the time. When I began publishing here on April 4th, 2009, I had this story, and this photograph from the cosmos, and joy that I was allowing myself the decadent luxury of writing my own Fantastic Four story, while opening the door to my own Integr8d Soul fiction concepts. I felt compelled to try to re-capture something of the wonder I felt as a child, combined with soul-searching stories turned into adventures. Now, I realize those stories didn't have but a small slice of relatable every day stuff, and were more or less homages to the melodramatic comics style. When I included Escondido as my setting for "The Vanishing Wave"- an idea of mine long predating the Marvel Universe, which had only seen 'Iron Man' by 2009, but long after Jim Starlin's original Thanos battles in 1991 that led to people being snapped very temporarily out of existence- I really wanted to reclaim the feeling I...