The Best Amazing Spider-Man covers of the 1980s

I think this may be, by some slim margin, the best cover of Amazing Spider-Man, the Marvel title that began publication in 1963. I'm going to include cover credits, where I know them. This one's by John Romita, Jr. I hope this brings back so many memories, or is at least very fun for fans of Spidey and comics in general! ASM #226 This has got to be one of Marvel's best covers of the decade! From 'Daydreams'- isn't this hilarious? Jonah in a track suit AND smoking a cigar. It's John Romita, Jr. again. You just can't leave out this dramatic second part of the most famous single Spider-Man storyline of the 80s, Kraven's Last Hunt. The mini-series was drawn by Mike Zeck and, I believe, inked by Bob Wiacek. It ran across all three Spider-Man titles, each week! Early Frank Miller cover href="