In Search Of The Man-Wolf! Featuring the color premiere of David Anthony Kraft and George Pérez

Origins Of The Man-Wolf John Jameson first appeared in Amazing Spider-Man #1! He was the astronaut in distress, aided by Spider-Man's emergency rescue. John comes back, affected by space spores to have super-strength and an aggressive new personality, when he tussles with Spidey in Amazing Spider-Man #42! John's a supporting character around the time Doctor Octopus steals the Omni-Wave (and Spider-Man loses his memories!). Those issues start with a story in ASM #53; John appears a few more times. He's glimpsed talking with Captain George Stacy about the nature of ---Spider-Man! Peter and those secret identity worries. In Amazing Spider-Man #124, written by Gerry Conway, our hero sees JJJ attacked- by a werewolf? (It starts happening to Spidey rather a lot during the stories of 1973!) JJJ recognizes something in his attacker, who communicates something human in a returned gaze, too. While Spider-Man's knocked out, Jonah realizes just who the Man-Wolf is!...