My sister's astrological reading of Robin Williams (July 21st, 1951)
Learned in many fields, my sister's taken upon herself the study of Astrology. Yes, she is doing readings. Here's a well-written one, the first she's shared publicly. She's Debra Disharoon; you can find Debra Dishraoon Art online. And when I get the link to post correctly, it'll be here! OK! So! I was deeply drawn to this artist, and am delighted to see her work here.
ASTROLOGY! By Debra Disharoon
My interpretation for Robin Williams - his birthday, July, 21,1951, and born in Chicago, Illinois. His sun is in the sign of Cancer, giving him a natural tendency to nurture, as Cancer is a feminine water sign ruled by the Moon. With the moon in Pisces, ruled by the planet of expansion, gas giant Jupiter, he was a dreamer with a keen imagination in a very amplified way. His sun and moon blend of Cancer and Pisces indicates that he was a very tender and gentle sort of person - meaning he could have been the best friend and comforter if you went to him with an emotional crisis. He could have perhaps helped matters with creative solutions to problems; however, his heightened imagination and creativity would have resulted in overshooting ideas into realms outside of practical.
Nonetheless, he had a knack for making people laugh. His sensitivity and creativity combined with Scorpio rising manifested an intensity to his exuberant humor and he felt everything to the nth degree. Most of his planetary activity is in the top part of his chart, indicating that he was born to address the public. His acting roles that accentuate his character are best seen in "Mrs. Doubtfire", with the heavy emphasis on family. Cancer is all about children, home and family, security and safety. "Dead Poet's Society", where he played the role of an unorthodox teacher at a private school, satisfied his Piscean moon need to imagine and dream, and his Cancer sun identity wanted to protect his students subjected to a saturnine school system that refused to think outside the box.
Robin Williams could not have functioned in the drudgery of average life with his combination of planetary influences. It would have gone against everything he truly was. His MC, or Midheaven is in Leo, with a conjuction between Mercury and Pluto. Midheaven deals with career or our place in society. Leo is a fire sign that draws energy from the height of Mother Nature's energy, being at also at the height of summer. Mercury deals with communication (you may have heard of Mercury retrograde when things malfunction, but Mercury was not in retrograde when he was born) and Pluto deals with depth, inevitable and permanent change, death and regeneration. This suggests that Robin's communication style dictated his place in society, and being in Leo, it was delivered in a very grand sort of fashion. Being conjunct Pluto, his already grand communication took on an exceptional intensity that left a lasting, irrevocable impression on his audience. When Robin was "on" everything else in the world took a back seat. The monkey wrench in the works is the placement of Neptune in Libra in the 12th house. Neptune deals with illusion, alcohol, drugs and addictions. In Libra, it sees what it wants to see and in the 12th house, it applies to spiritual realizations, dreams, supernatural events and things that are in our blind side. Robin frequently dealt with addiction, which was heightened by his Pisces moon that needed to escape reality. This quality could have negated his reliability to the ones he loved. When Robin retreated to his personal fantasy world, he could unintentionally abandon his inherent identity of nurturer and plunge headlong in the the depths of illusion and addiction.
Personally, Robin would have been an intense person to be around and a relationship would have been dizzying to most people when you were lucky enough to find him available. He has Saturn in the 11th house of family, friends, and close colleagues, which could have given him a little more grounding and seriousness.
Robin did not live a double life - he was truly born to be an actor, and what you saw in his roles was the real Robin Williams. Hope you enjoyed this. If I've promised readings to any of you, I'm working on it. Much love! Links...let's see, here's "Feel So Alien" live if it works: That oughta work! And this is about the writing/ lyrics of that song on August 12, 2014:
My interpretation for Robin Williams - his birthday, July, 21,1951, and born in Chicago, Illinois. His sun is in the sign of Cancer, giving him a natural tendency to nurture, as Cancer is a feminine water sign ruled by the Moon. With the moon in Pisces, ruled by the planet of expansion, gas giant Jupiter, he was a dreamer with a keen imagination in a very amplified way. His sun and moon blend of Cancer and Pisces indicates that he was a very tender and gentle sort of person - meaning he could have been the best friend and comforter if you went to him with an emotional crisis. He could have perhaps helped matters with creative solutions to problems; however, his heightened imagination and creativity would have resulted in overshooting ideas into realms outside of practical.
Nonetheless, he had a knack for making people laugh. His sensitivity and creativity combined with Scorpio rising manifested an intensity to his exuberant humor and he felt everything to the nth degree. Most of his planetary activity is in the top part of his chart, indicating that he was born to address the public. His acting roles that accentuate his character are best seen in "Mrs. Doubtfire", with the heavy emphasis on family. Cancer is all about children, home and family, security and safety. "Dead Poet's Society", where he played the role of an unorthodox teacher at a private school, satisfied his Piscean moon need to imagine and dream, and his Cancer sun identity wanted to protect his students subjected to a saturnine school system that refused to think outside the box.
Robin Williams could not have functioned in the drudgery of average life with his combination of planetary influences. It would have gone against everything he truly was. His MC, or Midheaven is in Leo, with a conjuction between Mercury and Pluto. Midheaven deals with career or our place in society. Leo is a fire sign that draws energy from the height of Mother Nature's energy, being at also at the height of summer. Mercury deals with communication (you may have heard of Mercury retrograde when things malfunction, but Mercury was not in retrograde when he was born) and Pluto deals with depth, inevitable and permanent change, death and regeneration. This suggests that Robin's communication style dictated his place in society, and being in Leo, it was delivered in a very grand sort of fashion. Being conjunct Pluto, his already grand communication took on an exceptional intensity that left a lasting, irrevocable impression on his audience. When Robin was "on" everything else in the world took a back seat. The monkey wrench in the works is the placement of Neptune in Libra in the 12th house. Neptune deals with illusion, alcohol, drugs and addictions. In Libra, it sees what it wants to see and in the 12th house, it applies to spiritual realizations, dreams, supernatural events and things that are in our blind side. Robin frequently dealt with addiction, which was heightened by his Pisces moon that needed to escape reality. This quality could have negated his reliability to the ones he loved. When Robin retreated to his personal fantasy world, he could unintentionally abandon his inherent identity of nurturer and plunge headlong in the the depths of illusion and addiction.
Personally, Robin would have been an intense person to be around and a relationship would have been dizzying to most people when you were lucky enough to find him available. He has Saturn in the 11th house of family, friends, and close colleagues, which could have given him a little more grounding and seriousness.
Robin did not live a double life - he was truly born to be an actor, and what you saw in his roles was the real Robin Williams. Hope you enjoyed this. If I've promised readings to any of you, I'm working on it. Much love! Links...let's see, here's "Feel So Alien" live if it works: That oughta work! And this is about the writing/ lyrics of that song on August 12, 2014:
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