Marvel Team-Up: "Mischief Night" with The Phantom Rider

Marvel Team-Up

Page 1 Spidey swings over Manhattan, thinking of the Midnight Western he saw before heading out. Flash! 2 Is that Jack O’Lantern? No, it’s Jack Stingy, who thinks Spider-Man is the Devil’s emissary.
3 They clash! Stingy’s a bit like Mysterio in battle. He has a special locket he was just about to use to activate a time travel spell. Their scuffle puts Spider-man close to the locket, which picks up his concept of the Wild West. Jack Stingy activates it, happy to have a target for his mischief, and takes them to an American Southwest of the 1860s by the end of page four.
So, we’ll pick up page 5 with Carter Slade, in his guise as The Phantom Rider and it’s the dawn, the day of Mischief Night. He's using his spectral dust and fists, wrapping up a serious rustling plot.

Show Nancy, his girlfriend, in a locket; she’s coming on the next train. As is mentioned in front of Carter, we flash to: Some Tequila is coming up from Jalisco by train. An ex- Union soldier will be guarding the delivery.
We meet a Black former soldier, Happy Harold Montee, who has been living down in Mexico, fighting the French. We also get our glimpse of Jack Stingy, the traditional original Jack O’ Lantern, who decides he’s going to ride along and steal the tequila!
By page eight, we need to find Spidey again. He manages to get ahold of some duds, but is spotted taking the clothes. The general store’s owner has a pretty daughter, Jennifer Jasmine Joy, who “knows durn well where the clothes came from- and where they rightfully belong!”-takes pity on Peter, instead of asking him to strip. She offers him a job if he’ll work for the clothes. He’s fine with this, but never expected the time he dressed as a cowboy for Halloween to come back to haunt him. She thinks he’s a failed California miner.
They go to the saloon to find him some place to rest. He gets crossed up in a poker game he didn’t want to play, and accused of flirting with the showgirl, the object of our gambler Sterling Grande’s affections. There’s a quick brawl. Grande challenges Peter to a duel in the street outside at high noon.

Here we are on page 11, High Noon. Peter uses his web-shooters to web Grande’s hand to his holster!
Carter Slade breaks it up and tosses Parker in the hoosegow for dueling.

Page 13: Slade hears about the robbers spotted in the gorge near the train tracks, and leaves to become Phantom Rider and catch them at the bluff. Peter amuses a locked-up drunk long enough to free himself, keeps a kitty cat quiet, and change to Spidey- though he still needs a horse to get anywhere! Now how is this going to work?

The short story collection, on Amazon.

Page 15 Phantom Rider fights this costumed horse rustler for one page, when they team up, Spidey making a cushion for his first bareback horse ride behind the Phantom.

Page 16 The would-be train bandits get flack from Happy Harold Montee’s sure rifle.
Page 17-20 involve the bandits meeting Stingy Jack on board the train, and a fight between them, Jack, Montee, Spider-Man and Phantom Rider, also involving fighting on top of the train, naturally. Nancy, the girlfriend, cameos during the fighting. After a tense confrontation, the Rider assures Montee he is not the kind of vigilante that deserves to be shot, and they kick ass together.

Page 21 Jack Stingy reveals this was possibly his one last wild ride. After so many deals with the Devil, out-foxing the old duffer every year, this time travel journey’s not paid off in a new way, unless he can trick the Devil into drinking all this tequila. Maybe he can get him to change into the worm for a big vat of this tequila. But Spider-Man says it’s time for both of them to stop mucking up the Old West.

As the bad guys are KO’d, Spidey and the special plot device and Jack Stingy all vanish …

Page 22 for the present day… where Jack’s turned into a flame put into a big turnip.


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