HTML: beginning the code journey (a tutorial)
HTML has not been around for many years. November 1990 marks the day of the first web page and back then there were little to no HTML standards to be followed. A group called the World Wide Web Consortium was then formed and have since set the standards that are widely accepted and we will base our teachings around them.
Since my initial plan to get into my own was foiled for now by a lost password, I took up Semeicardia's idea: go to and try programming tutorials there on notepad.
Mostly, I copied code and pasted it into the notepad, saving my changes. Tizag has a link straight to a notepad; you can also access your computer and search for "notepad" and you'll get one.
My next option was to download something called "Crimson Editor" as a more sophisticated substitute for the notepad, which I can also continue to use.
My next lesson told me two things about code: