Civil Warriors (demo) - a song of the restless militia men
Angry America's brooding zeitgeist, in the shadows of the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. Not like anything you ever heard from me. A character study, rambling up from a post-election morning (after listening to the latest from Flux Oersted). "One hundred percent behind our guy." My 1st listen to this slightly-haunting was incomplete, and I cut off at a point in the lyrics where the singer's making an effort to say something to someone with which he disagrees. I couldn't finish listening at that moment, but I felt a stong need to make no-excuses and go sit down with my wife's acoustic guitar, "Pretty Baby," and start a song from no idea- only a mood. So, I took off from the dark shades of the flourescent tone of your song, and gathered voices of terrorists. I was like, ...