Rogue, in the days before the X-Men R.E.M. of ROM

Isolated by white, blanketing snows, a house built to showcase luxury contains, in its heart, a nightmare.

Before Rom arrives upon the scene, the Hybrid works his subtle machinations to use and subvert the women before him.

They are like no other women, each in her own way. There is one way they are each women, and that is the wicked purpose for which Hybrid begins his subjugation.
Each have fled the scene of an attempt to free the male consortium of their group.

The blue-skinned woman, who could truly appear to be anyone, calls herself Mystique, leader of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. On this occasion, it would be correct to call them the Sisterhood. Hybrid affects her first. His ploy? He is victim of a mind-touch not of his own device, which he accuses Mystique of initiating. Here she gains the common knowledge: they have all fought the X-Men before, and consider them active enemies. The X-Men team unites and protects humans and mutants alike, with a dream of peace based on a school dedicated to tolerance, higher learning, and survival.

He laces his trap together with the pursuit of the other foe from his rebirth as a menace to all: Rom, Spaceknight. In desperation, the mutant X-Man Kitty Pryde, with her special phasing power, is able to activate Rom’s Neutralizer, atomizing the Hybrid and apparently banishing ROM to Limbo (see #18).

Already, Hybrid has read their minds, and knows Rom is coming. A vision from the second woman, Irene Adler, a.k.a Destiny, confirms this. Though she is blind, any and all of human kind is hers to see. They only need fall into the cascading tableaus of the variety of future moments, which form complex neural paths that sometimes cluster into strong, repetitive possibilities. So does the future come to Destiny, much as memories come to others: sometimes inexact, sometimes weighing consequences of things left at “what if?” by reality, but always clustering into an identifiable phenomenon open to interpretation.

Finally, the third woman, Rogue: with the stolen powers of Ms. Marvel she speedily saves Mystique from Hybrid’s initial attack “in self defense,” hammering him into the floor long enough to save the deadly woman she considers her adopted mother. Now she, at a touch, can become any person, stealing their essence and memories.

Tragically, she has no control over this. At this point in her life, she discovers how powerful this can make her, having been led against the Avengers themselves. As a growing young adult with feelings, however, the full throttle adventures with her eclectic foster family do not save her from the loneliness that comes with sharing the goodness of touch. No wonder she feels shunted from the main step of life!
Hybrid shares his origin: his father, a Dire Wraith invader cut off from his fellows, blended in by romancing a human woman. The experience, however, made his something never, if ever, seen before in Wraithkind: a capacity to love and share. Somehow an acceptable, anonymous life as farmer Jacob Marks became the Wraith’s invention, and to his shock, his wife seemed to bare a human boy.

Upon reaching thirteen, however, the family falls into the clutches of visiting Dire Wraiths. Calling upon the Dark Nebula’s power, the aliens awaken arcane magic and powers for his command, festering in him as an all-consuming cancer on his humanity. His hideous, inside-out and inhuman hateful form symbolizes the complete corruption of the being now called Hybrid, a mutant, whose first act in his new life is the slaying of his parents.

Now restored molecularly by force of will alone, Hybrid’s return marks the beginning of human conquest, and he offers a partnership with the Sisterhood.
The prisoners freed accidentally before the incident at the prison now wonder up from the snows, to face the Hybrid. He tests his newly awakened power. Their fearful bodies spin frenetically, then the flesh is stripped quickly while they are still alive, until skeletons twist above the damp white and red before the imposing, ominous Hybrid.

Now a deep questioning of the evil in their midst stirs Rogue to speak. Not even Destiny has yet to glance the true purpose for which he has thus spared their lives.
But then, the apparent purpose, to oppose Rom, comes to the fore, and the pre-arranged attack begins.

Know Rom is dedicated to the preservation of life on Earth, or any planet he saves from Wraithkind. The menace of Hybrid, however, is so nauseatingly, directly sinister, that on sight, his existence can only be considered a menace until it is ended!

I’m still restoring these units...I’ve been relaying this account viewed in Buscema-Scan, but bear in mind those are supplementary data added later, while the following represents the witness-self observations mirroring the conscious mind of the cyborg wearer upon his personal experience. This armor was abandoned sometime ago. The manufacturer for this tech no longer even has the license to do so! CLue



  1. Hope to find a recording linked to many of Rom’s thoughts: one that may contain an account of the cyborg’s ...
    (actually, it never came in from ebay and the seller gave me a courteous refund, but #5 recaps things nicely to then, from the top:)


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